Cheryl Rita Kaur
MSc in Marine Science, Policy and Law (with Merit) from the University of Southampton UK
Marine pollution is a challenging issue as it involves present and emerging areas (e.g. fisheries, shipping, ecosystems, and biodiversity) and are often transboundary in nature, making governance solutions complex.The continuing threat of pollution on coastal and marine environment and resources has been addressed using national, regional, and international governance mechanisms. Recent deliberations emphasise on the need for coordinated, adaptive and directed responses to the challenges and opportu- nities in accordance to the frameworks of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and other relevant environmental treaties. This paper focuses on the coastal and marine pollution management frameworks in Malaysia and the region. Existing management frameworks have been developed through regional projects and programmes supported by various international (e.g., UNEP) and regional institutions (e.g., ASEAN, COBSEA, PEMSEA, IORA, LMEs). Although these frameworks take a holistic and functional management approach, there is a general limitation in terms of legally binding regional policies on addressing marine pollution due to the varying geographical, political, social as well as economic settings of countries. Countries have been active in various projects and programmes in the region, though compliance to obligations of the international and regional conventions on coastal and marine pollution management had been limited in some areas. For instance, an analysis of the drivers and pressures on coastal and marine ecosystems as well as its current state show that pollut- ants persist despite efforts to manage their release from anthropogenic sources. This paper provides a case study focusing on marine plastic pollu- tion as an emerging issue, with an emphasis on actions by Malaysia. On a broader level, the option for a region-wide and legal framework for effec- tive management of coastal and marine pollution issues are further explored.
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