Welcome to the Bangladesh Institute of Maritime Research and Development (BIMRAD)

Sea is the source of enormous resources providing us valuable energy, minerals, protein, aquaculture, shipping, port & marine, logistics, tourism, and others. The Bay of Bengal, largest bay of the world, is strategically important for all the littoral countries Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1974 has established the sovereign rights of Bangladesh over the sea and its resources. The maritime boundary delimitation with the neighboring countries has generated new opportunities for unhindered exploration and exploitation of the marine resources leading to ensure the food security of the growing population and contribute to the sustainable development of Bangladesh in a changing environment. Considering our rights on the vast sea area in the Bay of Bengal under national jurisdiction, there is a tremendous demand for the establishment of a dedicated research institution for studying subjects related to maritime affairs.

Establishment of an independent research institution may fill in this void, where researchers can openly discuss and debate to come out with innovative ideas and inputs in the maritime field. Bangladesh Navy, being the main stakeholder in the maritime sector, realized the immense importance of the maritime sector and the lack of a common platform for integrated research in this field.

The maiden dedicated maritime research think tank BIMRAD started its journey on 03 July 2018 to conduct research on maritime affairs, security, exploration and conservation of sea resources, maritime science & technology, maritime tourism, maritime pollution, biodiversity, marine ecology, coastal disaster, marine renewable energy and climate change impact, food security, adaptation and so on. The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.


To conduct scientific research in the maritime realms to promote national maritime interests


Be a unique Maritime Think Tank 


The objectives of the Institute are as follows:

* To develop awareness among the stakeholders in the maritime sector, academicians and policymakers on importance of the ocean and ocean-related activities for the development of the country.

* To study in-depth and propose policy inputs for policy formulation on maritime strategy for the country including matters related to maritime governance.

* Conduct study and research in the area of maritime interests across the entire spectrum of ocean activity, maritime infrastructure, ship building, sea trade, fishing, energy, offshore and sea-bed resources, environment and laws of the sea.

* To promote education and training on ocean and utilization of this knowledge for the protection of the marine environment.

* To promote the study and explore ocean resources on a sustainable yield basis for the perpetual economic welfare of the country.

* Study and evaluate factors affecting maritime security and suggest policy options in the formulation of national security.

* Promote awareness and create a public debate on the importance of maritime potential of the country.

* Encourage young talents to study on ocean-related subjects and engage in research on maritime issues.

* Study maritime heritage of the country with the objective of disseminating knowledge of such history.

* Associate with government departments, educational institutions, similar research bodies and other stakeholders with similar or allied aims.

* Maintain a library to facilitate the study of maritime issues and provide for the publication of newsletters, research papers, books and journals on maritime affairs. 

* Focus on the generation and enhancement of the knowledge base leading to the exploitation of the sea for economic and security purposes.

* Support basic research on maritime field that will generate new knowledge potentially useful to the navy.

* Train the young minds to generate and apply knowledge for naval purposes.