Guiding Principles For Stabilization and Reconstruction

"Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction" presents the first-ever, comprehensive set of shared principles for building sustainable peace in societies emerging from violent conflict. The manual serves as a tool for U.S. Government civilian planners and practitioners engaged in stabilization and reconstruction (S&R) missions and is a valuable resource for international actors and nongovernmental organizations. As global demand for these missions continues to rise, so will the need for cooperation and cohesion among federal agencies and other organizations in the peace-building community. Guiding Principles provide an overarching strategic framework for S&R missions based on a construct of end states, conditions, and approaches, and a comprehensive set of shared principles and processes distilled from the wealth of lessons that have emerged from past S&R missions.

A product of collaboration between the United States Institute of Peace and the United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, this manual reflects the input of dozens of institutions across the peace-building community. It is based on a comprehensive review of major strategic policy documents from state ministries of defense, foreign affairs, and development, along with major intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that toil in war-shattered landscapes around the globe.