Bay of Bengal Perspectives Correlation Between Climate Change Marine Ecosystem and Biodiversity
Author : Afifat Khanam Ritika
01 Dec 2021

Increased CO2 and other greenhouse gases from industries, transportation, electricity production, commercial and residential activities, agriculture and deforestation result in climate change and global warming. According to a report published at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Conservation Congress concluded that oceans have taken up 93% of the warming created by humans since the 1970s. In that perspective, if the heat generated between 1955 and 2010 had gone into the Earth's atmosphere instead of the oceans, temperatures would have jumped by nearly 36.2°C (E&ENews PM, 7 September 2016) (As for reference, the last checked Earth's atmosphere was 14°C at 2.00 pm on 27 October 2021).