Prospects for Iran-led Naval Alliance in Middle East
Author : Nur Ahmed
21 Jul 2023

Middle East, a historically volatile region, plagued by persistent conflicts exacerbated by external interference, has emerged as the epicenter of focus. Within the Middle East's intricate mosaic, the enduring conflict between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf states persists as a formidable source of instability. In this scenario, China's ongoing efforts to mediate between these formidable actors have brought upon a possibility of fostering tranquility in the region, exemplified by its active role in the resolution of the Syrian civil war. Engrossed in this complex tapestry, the talks have unfolded, shedding light on Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf Cooperation Council's perception of China's potential as a catalyst for constructive resolution of regional disputes. The burgeoning interest in China's involvement in the region amplifies the significance of these deliberations.