Climate Change: Can Antarctica Be a Barometer and A Ratnakara for Bangladesh?
Author : Commodore Syed Misbah Uddin Ahmad, (C), NUP, ndc, afwc, psc, BN (retd)
27 May 2024

“Climate experts posit that climate change impacts pose a formidable challenge to Bangladesh's development efforts, human security, and the future”. (Syed, M. 2022). Antarctica, and specifically science in Antarctica unlike many other areas of the planet has global significance, and Bangladesh is not an exception. Bangladesh is situated in the low-lying deltaic plain, becoming one of the first victims of the melting glaciers, rising temperatures, and eventually inundation from increasing sea levels. However, for most of Bangladesh's history, the Antarctic has been ignored which is a dominant actor, responsible for global climate change, and could also be a barometer...