Beauty to Biodiversity, Connectivity to Commerce: Why to Celebrate World Oceans Day!
Author : Commodore Syed Misbah Uddin Ahmad, (C), NUP, ndc, afwc, psc, BN (retd)
08 Jun 2024

Can anyone ever imagine life without the oceans and its enormous blessings?

In 1992, at the UN Conference on Environment and Development i.e., Eco-92 or Rio-92, the idea of establishing 'World Ocean Day' as a commemorative date was proposed by Canada. The UNGA made the date official in 2008 (Resolution 63/ III, Paragraph 171). Since then, World Oceans Day has been celebrated on 08 June each year, selecting various themes reflecting the importance of World Oceans. For this year, 2024, the action theme has been selected, “Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate” (