
Commodore Syed Misbah Uddin Ahmad, (C), NUP, ndc, afwc, psc, BN (retd)

Director General


Commodore Syed Misbahuddin Ahmed, (C), NUP, ndc, afwc, psc of Bangladesh Navy (BN) (retd) joined the Executive Branch of BN on 14 Jan 1986 and underwent Joint Military Training with 17th Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA) Long Course. Having done his Basic Cadet Training at BMA and Bangladesh Naval Academy, he was selected to undergo basic and advance officers training to erstwhile Federal Republic of German Naval Academy, where he passed out as best all-round midshipman and was commissioned on 01 July 1988 in the Executive Branch. In his early carrier, he served in various highly demanding staff and teaching appointments and attended number of professional educational courses and training both at home and abroad. He attended Staff Course (Masters in Defence Studies) at Defence Services Command and Staff College, Mirpur, in 2002, did his second staff course and became a top distinguished graduate from Naval Staff College under US Navy War College (NWC) in 2003. He attended war Course (Masters in War Studies) in 2008. Commodore Misbah has served in different ships and establishments in various command, operation and staff assignments. He has successfully commanded couple of BN ships, namely; BNS SHAH AMANAT, BNS NIRBHOY and BNS SANGU including one of the missile Corvette BNS DHALESHWARI. He also served as secretary to the Chief of Naval Staff of BN. He attended UN Peace Keeping Operation in Sudan as Military Observer in 2005 and 2006. The officer has also been awarded with the Navy medal of excellence NUP, for his dedicated service to the Navy. Prior to completing National Defence Course at NDC in 2016, he served as Directing Staff (Professor) at the Armed Forces War Course Wing at National Defence College for three consecutive academic years (2013-2015). He received the best Individual Research Project (IRP) award in NDC 2016. Commodore Misbah received Chancellors Gold Medal for his outstanding Academic performance in 2017. The officer obtained his Bachelors and Masters in Bachelor of Security Studies (BoSS) and Masters in Strategic and Development Studies (MSDS) respectively from BUP. The officer served as DA Brazil and non resident DA of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay from 2020 - 2023. The officer received "Santos Dumont Merit Medal, Admiral Tamandare Merit Medal, and Brazilian Army Medal from Brazilian Air Force, Navy and Army respectively for outstanding service in defence diplomacy. The officer served as Managing director of Chittagong Dry Dock Limited (CDDL) prior to his retirement on 08 April 2024. The officer visited a good number of countries for education, training and other official purposes. Commodore Misbah is happily married and blessed with two sons. He enjoys reading as a passion and contributes to various national dailies, defence journals and magazines regularly. He is a resource person for Quality Education, Strategy, War Studies, Communication, Military History and regularly conducts by invitation Workshops, Seminars etc. in different Universities and Military educational and training Institutions. Currently he is working as DG BIMRAD.