BIMRAD Participation in Seminar on “World Ocean Day 2023”

08 Jun 2023

World Oceans Day is commemorated annually on 8 June by the United Nations and other international organizations. It is a day to celebrate the ocean and raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation. The theme for World Oceans Day 2023 is ‘‘Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing.’’


Bangladesh Oceanographic Research Institute (BORI) celebrated World Oceans Day 2023 with the selected theme in Cox’s Bazar.


The presence of the chief guest, the honorable Minister Yeafesh Osman, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of Bangladesh, graced the Seminar. Mr. Md. Moinul Islam Titas, Director General (Additional Charge) of BORI, chaired the Seminar. Distinguished guests mainly highlighted Bangladesh's marine sector and discussed climate change challenges.


Many participants (government. & Non-Govt. officials, researchers, and experts on related fields) from different national and international sectors participated in the Seminar. Captain M Minarul Hoque, (H), BCGM, psc, BN, Director General, BIMRAD, participated in the event.