BIMRAD attended a seminar titled, "Application of Carbon Financing: Challenges and Policy Options for Bangladesh" organized by BIISS.

16 May 2024

On 16 May 2024, DG BIMRAD along with researchers attended in a seminar titled, "Application of Carbon Financing: Challenges and Policy Options for Bangladesh",   organized by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS). Hourable State Minister, Ministry of Finance, H E Waseqa Ayesha Khan adorned the session as chief guest. Ambassador AFM Gausal Azam Sarker chaired the session. The panellists include representatives from BIISS, World Bank, UNDP, IDCOL, BGMEA among others. There were also many renowned academicians, environmentalist and business entities who stated their views and ideas on carbon financing.


BIMRAD expressed its interest to work together on the reduction of carbon footprint, particularly of the shipping industries in Bangladesh.


At the side line, there was a meeting between BIMRAD and BIISS. Both DGs consented to work together in future.